Friday, May 30, 2008

Favorite Thing

My favorite thing about any new job or whenever you meet new people and start to spend a lot of time with them is when they finally ask you how old you are. I just recently started having people guess because it's more fun than just saying it. And I am lucky, I am usually taken for a lot younger than I am. Thank God for moisturizer and sunscreen I suppose! Well, the average guess is about 23. I am actually shocked at how low that is. I hope that when I am 40 I am still averaging a 7 year lead without surgery. I'm not afraid of getting old, in fact, I often look forward to it. I do not plan on cosmetic surgery (does getting rid of spider veins count??), but I do plan on aging gracefully.


Cassie said...

Is there a pill to help with aging gracefully??

jpb2525 said...

love ya .

Anonymous said...

hi hun you'll always be my baby

Charissa said...

I'll second that on the spider veins... and I think my "average age" guess is 25 at this point. 33 days to 31. Ugh. Love you.