Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Moving on

So, I took the bus home the other night and as we passed the Catholic church two women on the bus crossed themselves. And then, tonight when I was walking home past that same Catholic church a man walked past me and crossed himself. Two thoughts on this: One, I must have missed that day at PSR (Parish Student Religion- Catechism) where they taught that you cross yourself when in the presence of the church. And two, thank God I was by the church in both instances when this happened, otherwise I might think that I have two horns on my head that only Catholics can see!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jodi that is a somewhat old fashioned way of showing honor and respect when close by a Catholic Church and the Blessed Sacrament. I was a poor one to pass on the finer things of being Catholic, Sorry. you know who

jpb2525 said...

hmm...I only learned about crossing yourself when you pass a cemetary - and when you have a funeral procession pass by...I still do it (habit I guess!)