Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Jenny!!

Don't worry- this won't hurt a bit. You're just a year older!

Yeah, we're weird!
I hope you have a fabulous birthday! I love you! And by the way, I was going to put up other pictures but these were the only ones I found that were already on my computer!


Jim-the Classical Liberal (Views from the Right) said...

Happy Birthday, Jenny!

I love was too late to call by the time I got home tonight!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jimmy! I got your card. I love you :).

Jodi: We are weird but that is just the glory of being sisters. Just FYI, Rob says my eyebrows have never been the same. He makes fun of me because now when I pluck (because I have to now...they grow in funny...I am like that poor teen age boy who just cant grow a decent mustache :) ) I get unbalanced and try to fix it and then I pluck to much and have to draw parts is all just very confusing. I love you :)

Anonymous said...

wait unti you are my age and you get to give up such things as plucking and shaving oh except for under the chin Love you guys