Friday, August 29, 2008


The media makes me angry. As many of you know, I don't have a TV and unfortunately I arrived home last night at the end of Obama's speech. So, I watched what was left of the speech on the live feed at and then attempted to find the speech in it's entirety. It took about 25 minutes for to post video of the speech, but it was only the first 16 minutes. As I looked for the remainder of the speech I watched a whole host of videos on the convention, including my favorite The Daily Show. There was an overwhelming amount of coverage on the "disenfranchised," "bitter" Hillary Clinton supporters, including the Daily Show which poked fun at this sad state of affairs. It is so unfortunate that at this point we are poised to put a historic, worthy candidate Barack Obama in the White House and we very well may shoot ourselves in the foot with a borrowed gun from the Republicans! Let me say what I think is really happening. First of all, we have lived through two elections where we were cheated by the Republicans. Arguably, you can say that they just played the game better. The Supreme Court gave the 2000 election to Bush and in 2004 while there were election irregularities the election was lost by a combination of a weak Democratic candidate and Rovian tactics and swift boating. All Democrats approached this election believing that we not only had to win, but that we would win. So, what happened? We had two strong, historic, exciting candidates in Clinton and Obama and only one could win. We stood behind our candidate knowing that all we had to do was get through the primaries and then that person would be the next president of the United States. It was so close and passions were so high. Only one could win. And when it was clear that it was Barack Obama, the media played into our wounds of previous elections and equated the dirtiness of the previous two elections with this primary. THEY ARE NOT COMPARABLE!! Those wounds were all of ours. All Democrats felt it. I cried when Kerry lost in 2004 and I didn't really like him all that much. I can only imagine how Hilary's supporter's felt in the loss, especially considering she is a dynamic worthy candidate. But, WAKE UP, people! By feeding into the media's perception that you are still bitter about Hilary's loss, it only makes it easier for all of us to lose. McCain in 2008 is not a viable option for us. He chose a female running mate to try and convince Hilary supporters that he is their man. He is not. We lost a chance to put a woman in the White House, but don't vote for McCain or decide to just not vote out of some misplaced anger at the process. Realize that the next president is poised to nominate 3 Supreme Court Justices. Women have a lot to lose in this election. And women have so much to gain if Barack Obama is elected. Don't allow the media or the Rovian spinsters in the McCain camp play into your disappointment. Enthusiastically get behind Obama.


Anonymous said...

you go girl I am so with you Mom

jpb2525 said...

well put - nothing else needs to be said. I am watching the RNC convention - in absolute horror! Goodness ....if the RECONS win...then....I just don't know - be ready for more war, less rights, more poverty, no middle class.....the list goes on and on.....I hope and pray we are smarter than this!