Saturday, March 15, 2008

Book Report The Life of Pi

It was about two years ago that I first picked up The Life of Pi by Yann Martel. It's amazing what a difference time makes. I didn't realize that I had been so stressed out that I couldn't even concentrate on reading a really good book (I kept thinking it was the book- it was boring and difficult to get into. Nothing could be further from the truth). There is an ease to this book. It reads quickly and often makes you stop and ponder its philosophy. I love that. It follows the fateful journey of a young man (Pi) from his home in India to his new home in Canada. His father is a zookeeper in India and Pi is a child who ponders the great questions of life, finding himself at the Mosque, the Catholic Church and the Hindu Temple each week. Because of the political uprisings in India, Pi's father decides to move the family to Canada. They board a Japanese ship and that is where the story really begins. The ship is wrecked and Pi is the only survivor. We follow him on a lifeboat across the Pacific while he wrestles with life and death and the meaning of it all. Once I picked it up, I couldn't put it down. I was reading it every moment I had and finding that I wanted to ride past my stop on the train just so I wouldn't have to put it down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a great book I will need to look for it. I love the way you write Mom