Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ten On Tuesdays

1. I couldn't write yesterday because I was so exhausted from my weekend in Baltimore with Charissa.
2. I'm definitely sick again (or still), not sure which. I keep hoping I'll wake up and it will be miraculously gone.
3. I can't definitively blame it on smokey bars, but I'm sure that didn't help (I'm also sure staying up into the night and drinking probably weren't the smartest choices, but we sure had a great time). Baltimore, you probably don't realize it yet, but you'll be thankful when your smoking ban goes through next year.
4. Thank you Michael Bloomberg for NYC's smoking ban. It has left me sitting by myself inside while friends went out to smoke, but I don't have smell bad after a night out.
5. Mere and I watched the DVD Life As a House starring Kevin Kline last week. The first time I saw it I had just moved to NYC and my dad was in the hospital. It's one of those movies that makes you realize how precious life is. The metaphor of building a house and rebuilding life is beautiful. If you don't like your life, change it. Rent it, watch it.
6. Charissa, I'm not gonna make it to Union Square today. I'm sorry. I know you were counting on me to deliver your message to your new bf, but I woke up too late.
7. Spring Awakening won the Tony for best new musical. I haven't seen it, but I'm kind of confused.
8. I am going to the gym today. Maybe I can sweat this cold from my body.
9. I bought a 3 CD set of yoga meditations and I can't wait to finish this list so I can sit and meditate.
10. I'm kind of disappointed that more people didn't comment on my immigration post. Thanks, Denny. I know that I kind of lumped all immigration with illegal immigration, but it was the first time that I really started to frame my thoughts on the subject.


Charissa said...

Don't be disappointed. I have tons of posts no one comments on. Don't hate the player... (haha).

Damn you for missing my BF. We were going to fall in love and live happier ever after. Who am I going to convert for now??

jpb2525 said...

Duncan Sheik! I love him. He is ultra talented. He wrote the music to that. I met him back when his first CD came out. He is such a nice guy! His music is amazing! Check it out again Jo!