Saturday, September 20, 2008

Au Revoir Laissez-Faire

So much for the party of less regulation, less government. It looks like the Republicans are changing their tune. Funny how the party of the "average Joe" is now asking Joe to foot the bill for their true constituents who lobbied the government for less regulation so they could make more money by doing riskier and riskier things. Oh and John McCain has proposed a new Federal agency, the MFI (Mortgage and Financial Institutions Trust). I'm not sure how tax cuts pay for this, but I'm sure they will explain it to us. Ever wonder what happens to a government that continually borrows more money than it could possibly pay back using its people as collateral? For more information on the SEC and their lack of oversight, listen to This American Life's show titled The Enforcers. The section is titled, Act Two. Now You SEC Me, Now You Don't. Incompetence begets incompetence. Greed begets greed. And as for the new song they are playing: You can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig!!!!


Jim-the Classical Liberal (Views from the Right) said...

I just finished writing an in-depth analysis of the financial mess on my blog...let me know what you think!

Anonymous said...

loved it Jodi Jimmy I read as much as I can and I of course see it all differently Love you bot