Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Good Day

Just wanted to let you know that I still have thoughts that I want to express to you all. In fact, I have so many that I have some titles of posts I want to write, but I'm finding it difficult to find the time. I should be doing something else as we speak... calling for tickets to a friend's show tomorrow, checking my email, going over music for Thursday's class, calling my friend Eddie P to setup a coffee date, and calling OB. So, with out further ado I will let you know some of the titles to wet your appetite and then I will find the time to write them:
1. Good Day (I know, it's the title of this post, but it was really going to be about what a good and fun audition day I had, but I realized that I would want to write too much and then I wouldn't get anything else done... kind of like what's happening now.
2. Reflections on Good Conversation (OB and I have been having some really amazing conversations about life and career and philosophy)
3. Pictures from the Coterie Tradeshow (I built this entire booth myself and it looked so cool. Not to mention the frame that I designed myself from the parameters I was given... yeah, it's nice to like my job.
4. Tuna Fish
5. The Name Game (which is so delayed because I want to talk about so many things)
6. An Open Letter to the Citizenry (who vote) in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina (this is sure to be a good one)
So please check back often and hopefully I'll get my ass in gear!


jpb2525 said...

I like tuna fish. With mayo.

jpb2525 said...

Just kidding. Not quite sure about the many, but Conversations I sincerely like. Go with that, I like how you present your points.

Anonymous said...

I want to see the trade show stuff and also like tuna Less sure about the name change I love to listen to you and toread your blog. It helps me feel you are less far away Love yah so much Mommy